The Big Lie: “We don’t lock up parents who can’t pay. We lock up parents who won’t pay. There is a big difference.”

According to the article (in the Sun News from Macon,Georgia on, see below), David Cooke, a senior assistant district attorney in (Houston County) Georgia who leads the county’s child support division said the court works with parents and only jails those unwilling pay. “We don’t lock up parents who can’t pay. We lock up parents who won’t pay. There is a big difference.” Of course Cooke is ignoring the fact that only non-custodial parents who “won’t” pay get locked up.

Across the western world, innumerable custodial parents don’t pay to care for their child themselves but instead receive every imaginable help, including of course “child support” from their victim in (in our opinion) an undeniable child abduction under color of law. The only “big difference” that matters is that the people getting locked up are by and large fathers. This is a shakedown of fathers. The misandry of the family law system is undeniable. The separation of fathers and children is the worst human rights abuse of our time.

Attention David Cooke: it’s time to end the fatherhood shakedown and start a shakeup in family law that restores the rights and dignity of fathers.
Local opinion: jail time for failure to pay child support?
Monday, Jan. 30, 2012
WARNER ROBINS — Whether parents should be locked up for failing to pay child support is debated in Houston County.
Houston Public Defender Nick White is opposed to locking up people who don’t pay, equating it to a debtor’s prison. …

Restitution for ex-fathers?

Here’s the story — fathers have had their children stolen from them. Then, the father’s money is taken fraudulently. Fathers have been robbed. It was not necessary, and it was not right. The law says where there’s a wrong, there’s a remedy. Here’s the remedy — restitution. Restitution of family, of finances, and of dignity. Join with all the other fathers, mothers, step mothers, step fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, associates and civic-minded individuals who are fighting the family court system to end the separation of all parents and children. The loan is due and payable now, with interest and damages for the loss of family, finances, and dignity.

Abortion is a safe and legal way to end pregnancy — it’s just not available to you

Planned parenthood says, “If you are pregnant, you have options. If you are trying to decide if abortion is the right choice for you, you probably have many things to think about. … Only you can decide what is best for you.” Except that if you’re a man you won’t be given any choice in the matter. It doesn’t matter if you’re ready or able to raise a child, or if you prefer adoption, or if you want o keep the child. In fact it doesn’t even matter if you would like to “adopt” your child yourself (if the mother doesn’t want the child). And if the mother has the child you will be held responsible to pay for the child regardless of your relationship with the child. You get no choice.