
Ex-fathers Statement of Objectives

It is clear that:

Children need the unfettered presence, care, and love of their fathers, and fathers want to have, care for and nurture their children after marriage breakdown as well as before; and that

Marital separation is the end of the conjugal and financial relationship between a father and mother; and that

Fathers experience misandry in the Family Courts and other institutions which is depriving them of their children and subjugating them financially; and that

Statutory recognition of these facts will reduce the burden of legal costs on families and the government, eliminate fatherlessness, cut down on self-destructive behaviour by the victimized fathers, reduce violence, and produce healthier and happier children with a greater sense of belonging and commitment to society.

The objectives of Ex-fathers are: 

To ensure that no father is deprived against his will of the opportunity to fully and completely parent his children regardless of the father’s marital status (unless the father has put the children’s welfare at risk and all available alternatives have been exhausted); and furthermore,

To ensure that no father who is willing to care for his child is required to pay for the cost of child care provided by his child’s mother when the child is under her care and not his care(unless the father has put the child’s welfare at risk and all available alternatives have been exhausted), in particular for the cost of food, clothing and shelter, and furthermore; 

To Provide restitution to fathers and children separated by the misandry of the family law system.

The Ex-fathers objectives can be summarized as

1. No one has the right to take any man’s child;

2. No father should pay for a baby-sitter he doesn’t want or need;

3. Restitution for the families, dignity and finances destroyed by the family courts.

Fathers are parents, not paycheques