Ex-father claims government’s intent to stifle voice of genuine political dissent

Claiming “Canadian Government is misusing the institutions of the State and is using the criminal code as a cover to achieve political ends”, Kevin Galalae has fled the country seeking foreign asylum. We understand that the root of Mr Galalae’s problems is the loss of his children in a family separation. In his personal pursuit of justice, Mr Galalae has forwarded a deposition to the five judges of the self-styled “People’s Protection Court” in a lawsuit he launched against the Kingston Police (Kingston, Ontario); a lawsuit that he claims reveals the corruption of the police and judiciary by the executive branch of government. We understand that this process is ultra vires established Canadian law and may itself be illegal. The anonymous People’s Protection Court has now found the Kingston Police ‘guilty’ on a number of charges and has ‘ordered’ restitution.

Mr Galalae says he fled from Canada with nothing but the clothes on his back. He reports that he “is in the best of health and in high spirits, though he suffers greatly because his children have been torn away from him. He vows to continue his defense of human rights and civil liberties and to fight for the release of his children, which the Canadian Government continues to hold hostage … .”

Ex-fathers advocates for and supports fathers and others fighting against the misandric separation of fathers and children and we call for restitution for the victims. We do not condone violence or any illegal action.


Ex-father – the $100 Billion Man

The Government programs to drive fathers out of their families presently cost American taxpayers $ 100 Billion per year in direct costs alone according to the National Fatherhood Initiative. These costs do not include any indirect costs such as the cost to society of fatherless children. This is the tip of the iceberg of the Government’s patrophobic neurosis. The Government aided by its minions in the Divorce Industry and the bullies of the Shelter Racket are systematically destroying fatherhood, replacing it with the indentured servitude of ex-fathers. Every rational person knows that the governments and the Nation would receive an enormous financial benefit by giving that money to fathers to allow them to raise their children (rather than using it against them) but the government cannot overcome its issues created by an unresolved Mommy complex. Indeed, simply stopping the funding for the father-hate programs and implementing family law guaranteeing equal parenting for fathers would not only save the $100 B, but would also permit the re-unification of fathers and children, and stop the social decline. Unfortunately, Ex-fathers is of the opinion that the future is bleak as these hate programs simply continue to grow and spread into all aspects of family life. Intensive therapeutic treatment is required.

The One Hundred Billion Dollar Man: The Costs of Father Absence
The Annual Public Costs of Father Absence
The federal government spends $99.8 billion dollars every year on programs – such as child support enforcement and anti-poverty efforts – to support father-absent homes …

And if you believe this: Work and Pensions Minister Maria Miller says the new system will help more children get the cash they are owed

According to the headline “Absent town dads owe £9m” (Hartlepool Mail, 3 February 2012). Let’s understand this. We are really talking about fathers, perfectly good parents, who had done no wrong. Nevertheless, they have had their children abducted by the mother under colour of law in the misandric family courts. Why would the parent who is a victim of a child abduction would owe the perpetrator anything? This is the worst human rights abuse of our time. Clearly the debt is properly owed to these ex-fathers for their loss.

As far as the “cash [the children] are owed” addressed by the Minister is concerned, yes, the children are owed plenty. They are owed as the victims of the Divorce Industry for the painful, unnecessary, and wrongful loss of their fathers. As long as the the people of Hartlepool continue to force this travesty on separated fathers and children, let the people of Hartlepool pay for this crime against humanity. And the sooner the score is settled justly the sooner the problem of separated fathers and children will end.

Absent town dads owe £9m
Published on Friday 3 February 2012 10:11
ABSENT parents in Hartlepool owe a whopping £9m in unpaid child support.
The town’s child maintenance debt reached £9,071,000 in December last year, up four per cent on the previous year’s figure of £8,743,000. …

The Big Lie: “We don’t lock up parents who can’t pay. We lock up parents who won’t pay. There is a big difference.”

According to the article (in the Sun News from Macon,Georgia on Macon.com, see below), David Cooke, a senior assistant district attorney in (Houston County) Georgia who leads the county’s child support division said the court works with parents and only jails those unwilling pay. “We don’t lock up parents who can’t pay. We lock up parents who won’t pay. There is a big difference.” Of course Cooke is ignoring the fact that only non-custodial parents who “won’t” pay get locked up.

Across the western world, innumerable custodial parents don’t pay to care for their child themselves but instead receive every imaginable help, including of course “child support” from their victim in (in our opinion) an undeniable child abduction under color of law. The only “big difference” that matters is that the people getting locked up are by and large fathers. This is a shakedown of fathers. The misandry of the family law system is undeniable. The separation of fathers and children is the worst human rights abuse of our time.

Attention David Cooke: it’s time to end the fatherhood shakedown and start a shakeup in family law that restores the rights and dignity of fathers.

Local opinion: jail time for failure to pay child support?
By BECKY PURSER – bpurser@macon.com
Monday, Jan. 30, 2012
WARNER ROBINS — Whether parents should be locked up for failing to pay child support is debated in Houston County.
Houston Public Defender Nick White is opposed to locking up people who don’t pay, equating it to a debtor’s prison. …

Is restitution possible?

Where there is a wrong there is a remedy. Restitution of the family finances and dignity of fathers is the remedy for the systematic destruction of fatherhood in the western world. But is it possible? Examples of governments providing redress, including paying damages, and restoring dignity to previously persecuted persons abound. Classic examples are the WW II interned national citizens of Japanese descent in Canada and the USA., German reparations to Israel, apology and compensation to Chinese laborers for the ‘head tax’; and the recent apology to Canadian POWs by the Japanese government (see link).

Japanese government apologizes to Canada’s World War II POWs: