Claiming “Canadian Government is misusing the institutions of the State and is using the criminal code as a cover to achieve political ends”, Kevin Galalae has fled the country seeking foreign asylum. We understand that the root of Mr Galalae’s problems is the loss of his children in a family separation. In his personal pursuit of justice, Mr Galalae has forwarded a deposition to the five judges of the self-styled “People’s Protection Court” in a lawsuit he launched against the Kingston Police (Kingston, Ontario); a lawsuit that he claims reveals the corruption of the police and judiciary by the executive branch of government. We understand that this process is ultra vires established Canadian law and may itself be illegal. The anonymous People’s Protection Court has now found the Kingston Police ‘guilty’ on a number of charges and has ‘ordered’ restitution.
Mr Galalae says he fled from Canada with nothing but the clothes on his back. He reports that he “is in the best of health and in high spirits, though he suffers greatly because his children have been torn away from him. He vows to continue his defense of human rights and civil liberties and to fight for the release of his children, which the Canadian Government continues to hold hostage … .”
Ex-fathers advocates for and supports fathers and others fighting against the misandric separation of fathers and children and we call for restitution for the victims. We do not condone violence or any illegal action.