Time to talk about the money

Let’s understand that even a small fraction of the money that men spend fighting in court would do immensely more if it were spent advocating in pubic. The question is how do you get the most bang for the buck (time and money)? Clearly, fathers should stop wasting their efforts on lawyers (and the family courts) and on politicians. Those people have to be seen as the opposition. Father advocates need to spend their time with their comrades, the men and women (relatives and friends like Grandparents, sisters, second wives, etc) that have been hurt or could be hurt by the intolerable situation of fathers and children in family court today. Unfortunately most of those people do not understand the problem they are caught up in. Consequently they play into the hands of the opposition.

The only way men will get their kids back is when they get their money back. As long as there is money to be made from fathers the problem will continue. We need to fight so-called ‘child support’ — the ex-father shakedown — so we can give our children the kind of child support they really need — their fathers. Ex-fathers need to stop being ashamed to talk about the money and start to point out that it was the mothers who wanted the kids but would not accept the responsibility that goes with them — the financial responsibility that goes with raising a family.

Ex-father claims government’s intent to stifle voice of genuine political dissent

Claiming “Canadian Government is misusing the institutions of the State and is using the criminal code as a cover to achieve political ends”, Kevin Galalae has fled the country seeking foreign asylum. We understand that the root of Mr Galalae’s problems is the loss of his children in a family separation. In his personal pursuit of justice, Mr Galalae has forwarded a deposition to the five judges of the self-styled “People’s Protection Court” in a lawsuit he launched against the Kingston Police (Kingston, Ontario); a lawsuit that he claims reveals the corruption of the police and judiciary by the executive branch of government. We understand that this process is ultra vires established Canadian law and may itself be illegal. The anonymous People’s Protection Court has now found the Kingston Police ‘guilty’ on a number of charges and has ‘ordered’ restitution.

Mr Galalae says he fled from Canada with nothing but the clothes on his back. He reports that he “is in the best of health and in high spirits, though he suffers greatly because his children have been torn away from him. He vows to continue his defense of human rights and civil liberties and to fight for the release of his children, which the Canadian Government continues to hold hostage … .”

Ex-fathers advocates for and supports fathers and others fighting against the misandric separation of fathers and children and we call for restitution for the victims. We do not condone violence or any illegal action.


Riots Panel strikes up the band as ship sinks

The panel looking into the severe riots that ravaged British cities has failed to recognize the contribution to the riots of the the British family courts and the divorce industry. Once again the establishment has turned its blind eye on the real problem while advocating for ever greater interference with families and wasting ever greater amounts of money on unnecessary or useless approaches including “involvement of ‘communities’, ‘community volunteers’ and ‘mentors’.” The linked article by Robert Franklin, Esq tells how the panel actually reported on the extensive data they received on the problem of separated fathers and children yet failed grasp the root cause and to recommend meaningful corrective action. Yet another opportunity lost for British, its children and its fathers.


Ex-father – the $100 Billion Man

The Government programs to drive fathers out of their families presently cost American taxpayers $ 100 Billion per year in direct costs alone according to the National Fatherhood Initiative. These costs do not include any indirect costs such as the cost to society of fatherless children. This is the tip of the iceberg of the Government’s patrophobic neurosis. The Government aided by its minions in the Divorce Industry and the bullies of the Shelter Racket are systematically destroying fatherhood, replacing it with the indentured servitude of ex-fathers. Every rational person knows that the governments and the Nation would receive an enormous financial benefit by giving that money to fathers to allow them to raise their children (rather than using it against them) but the government cannot overcome its issues created by an unresolved Mommy complex. Indeed, simply stopping the funding for the father-hate programs and implementing family law guaranteeing equal parenting for fathers would not only save the $100 B, but would also permit the re-unification of fathers and children, and stop the social decline. Unfortunately, Ex-fathers is of the opinion that the future is bleak as these hate programs simply continue to grow and spread into all aspects of family life. Intensive therapeutic treatment is required.

The One Hundred Billion Dollar Man: The Costs of Father Absence
The Annual Public Costs of Father Absence
The federal government spends $99.8 billion dollars every year on programs – such as child support enforcement and anti-poverty efforts – to support father-absent homes …

Don’t let the Pros set family law

Family Law is a growth industry. At the trough, gorging on the lost futures of our children, are the family-law lawyers, attorneys, judges, court staff, politicians, the child-support Tonton Macoute, and of course the feminista child-abduction centres, as well as a plethora of apparatchiks running the government programs designed to amputate fathers from families.

The Canadian Equal Parenting Council (CEPC) is right to point out that Children’s Issues are Parenting Issues and that parents need a voice to provide balance to media coverage of children’s and family issues. In the coverage of children’s issues, the voice of parents is often missing, and too often denigrated or dismissed as self-serving or self-interest. The “professionals” and “experts” so often quoted have their own agendas and financial interests involved. Without the viewpoint of parents, who do successfully the vast majority of child-raising, the issues are one sided and incomplete.

Parents are stereotyped unfairly as “deadbeat dads” or “lazy welfare moms”. Often, governments refer to professionals in law and social agencies as the only “stakeholders”, while neglecting or refusing equal consultations with parents. It’s the parents (in particular, the fathers) and children who are the victims of the misguided and selfish actions of those stakeholders who are so clearly in a conflict of interest through their industry profit objectives.
